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Making a DIFFERENCE together


Updated: Dec 25, 2020

Anthony’s Role: A 5-year Commitment (which CAN change as the LORD redirects)

Aside from Anthony’s continued involvement as staff of “Alive International” which is the bilingual congregation for Sunday afternoon worship at Oyumino Christ Church (Chiba, Japan), his role from April 2019 involves 2 major project involvements as full-time staff for MTW Tokyo/Chiba KEIYO Team:

1. New Role as Coordinator of Open House English Conversation School (in existence since 1989) and part-time English teacher.

a. Build good relationships with current missionary leaders and Japanese staff as I “grow into” my role as coordinator.

b. Think about strategic ways to connect students to our church community through bridge events and Bible Studies.

c. Begin teacher recruitment NOW by making trips to the U.S. for potential teaching staff.

2. Co-vision leader (with missionary Dan Iverson) of our Afterschool English Program for Kids (since 2017) which was started with the goal of transitioning to an Evangelistic Kindergarten to support the local church. The team has been praying about this for a long time, even before I came to Japan.

a. aim towards a April 2021 LAUNCH using our tried & tested GrapeSEED English curriculum to attract families. Commit until 2024, Lordwilling.

b. prayerfully seek a Japanese leader to serve as full-time principal

c. pray, think, serve as I and Dan share a vision/dream/idea with church members

d. devote time and planning to visit other kindergartens run by Christian groups in Japan who are already doing this to learn from them and network with them

Your Role: Seeking Prayer & Ministry Partners


As my wife Sayo and I drove to Narita Airport to see me off for my support raising trip, she brought to my attention that the number of students I have come in contact with through the years in Japan as an English teacher is probably over 200. This is only the number of kids. Each child represents a family with a mom and dad. That means that I have already been involved in the lives of 600 Japanese people through. She brought up these numbers for a simple reason: WE NEED PRAYER PARTNERS!

Who knows when exposure to Bible stories for these children may eventually draw them to the one, true God in the near future? Perhaps some of them already trust in Jesus. As for the parents, who knows what conversations happen in the car or at home when mom or dad asks: “So, what did you learn in your English lesson today?”

Would you consider praying for our family as we make a commitment to serve in this “area of influence” in Chiba, Japan that God has providentially assigned to us?

COME (or rather, GO)

One other way you can help to make a difference is by prayerfully considering a visit to see for yourself how we do English evangelistic ministry here. Let me know if you are interested!

Perhaps you may want to even come as a volunteer. Whether you are in college or retired, our mission team has a track record of many teachers who have come to Japan to serve.


Another tangible way to make a difference is if you could either pray that God will provide us with enough monthly support to launch our ministry or pray about joining our monthly support team of ministry partners.


If you would like to give monthly or if you would like to give a ministry launching gift (one-time gift), please click this secure link below to our MTW family profile page:

If you would like to support monthly: enter the amount, click the “GIVE” button, the proceed with checkout by entering your credit card or e-check details.

If you would like to give a ministry launching gift (one-time gift), do not forget to unclick “I would like to make this a recurring donation” since it is the default option after clicking the “GIVE” button.


If you would like to receive a prayer post card to mail directly to MTW, you may email Anthony directly at and we will airmail the postcard to your address!

For US residents, every donation through MTW is tax deductible since it is registered as a 501(c)(3) religious charity. You will receive a tax deductible receipt which can be used for itemized deductions in your tax returns.

If you have any questions, you may email Anthony directly at


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