A word from Anthony and from Dan Iverson, MTW Tokyo/Chiba Team Leader and Japan Country Director (as of December 2018)
Introduction by Dan Iverson
(MTW Tokyo/Chiba Team Leader, MTW Japan Country Director)
Anthony and Sayo are serving with the MTW Tokyo/Chiba Team in bilingual worship, evangelism, and English outreach ministry.
Anthony was born in the United States and raised in the Philippines. In college he qualified for an exchange student scholarship to International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo where he met Sayo in 2008. Sayo majored in linguistics and studied to become qualified to teach English and Japanese.
Sayo is from Fukushima, Japan. She was somehow drawn to Christianity through exposure to English. Homestay experiences abroad served as seeds of interest that eventually led her to ICU where she came to faith before meeting Anthony.
Our MTW team met Anthony and Sayo in 2010. They were discipled in our team and church community, and married in 2011. They have grown in grace, and been fruitful in ministry during their 3-year internship. Our team has now called them as full-time staff.
Anthony serves primarily as ministry staff with Oyumino Church’s bilingual congregation (see http://www.alive.international/ ), and in the team’s English outreach evangelism ministry. Anthony has pioneered an afterschool English outreach program that reaches many children. His vision is for this to grow into a kindergarten reaching many families with the gospel.


One small step at a time as we serve kids with quality English lessons and connect with parents. Plus, we get to have Bible Time in every lesson!
Serving the Japanese community with quality English Lessons as we openly study the Bible together as a value-added service.

Every Sunday morning @ Honda Chapel. We have been going through the scripture proofs of the Westminster Shorter Catechism as an ESL class. (Suspended until further notice due to COVID-19.)
Serving as a ministry assistant in partnership with Alive International, the weekly 3pm bilingual worship congregation of Oyumino Christ Church (Chiba, JAPAN)

Helping to lead and organize Open House Conversation School, the MTW Chiba Team English outreach ministry
When Anthony Odtohan was my [2017 Fall distance] student [in my Christian Ethics class] at Covenant Seminary, I knew him as a capable and conscientious student, a careful thinker, and a student with great interest in putting knowledge into practice. Since then, he has shown a consistent and godly passion for the work of the gospel in Japan. I commend him to you.
Dr. Dan Doriani, professor of theology and ethics at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, and a Council member of The Gospel Coalition.
I have the opportunity to be both a mentor and a friend to Anthony and I take joy in speaking on his behalf. Anthony is one of the most faithful and eager people I have ever worked with. He always seems willing to pitch in and become involved in ministry projects, and has been a huge advocate for building our English-based outreach ministries. He is a skilled and valuable part of our team in Japan and is developing more and more as a leader. I encourage you to consider investing in Anthony and his ministry helping to build Christ’s kingdom in Japan.
Tom Mirabella, PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) Teaching Elder
Tom has been serving as an MTW Japan Missionary since 2014.
MTW Japan Chiba Academics & Outreach (Chiba AO) Team Leader (from January 2021)
We would like to encourage you to consider supporting our friends Anthony and Sayo Odtohan. From his arrival in Chiba, Japan, Anthony has faithfully sought to honor Christ and to serve the church. Blessed with a sincere passion to make Christ known in Japan, Anthony has served in a variety of ways, and continues to pursue his own growth in wisdom, knowledge, and maturity.
I got to know Anthony nearly 10 years ago, when he first arrived in Chiba following graduation from the International Christian University in Tokyo. As Assistant Team Leader of the MTW Team in Chiba, I met with Anthony and explored his faith and heart for Christian Service. Since then, he has diligently applied himself to learning, growing, and serving. He has proven himself to be a faithful husband and father, humble servant, and highly capable teacher and organizer.
The door is wide open and great need for Anthony to serve the church in Chiba. In addition to current evangelism and discipleship opportunities, there is the possibility of a pre-school kindergarten program that has great potential to bring the lost to faith. Sharon & I pray you will help make these things possible by joining us in supporting and praying for them.
Bob Drews, PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) Ruling Elder since 1987
Bob and Sharon Drews have been serving as MTW Japan Missionaries since 2010
It was a “chance” meeting October 2017 at a conference in Japan when Anthony approached me and handed me his “Prayer Card for the Odtohan Family.” There was something special and simple in his request. It was bold and humble at the same time. I couldn’t say “no.”
Most recently Anthony stayed with me six days on the first leg of his whirlwind tour to raise support for Japan missions and particularly for the Lord’s calling on his life. I went everywhere with Anthony. What I saw was tireless, dedicated, long hours despite jet lag of meeting people and telling the story of God’s work in Japan. I saw humility and persistence, fearlessness and kindness with every person and every group, large or small, that he had opportunity to speak with. It was obvious that Anthony’s love for the people of Japan, his vision and passion for what God is doing there, and the role he gets to play in it, drives him to spread the word about a nation desperately in need of the gospel.
I can think of no better ambassador for the Lord’s work in Japan.
Chuck Morgan, Elder
Christ Community Church (PCA) in Frisco, Texas
I had a brief yet meaningful opportunity to witness the work and ministry of Anthony [in July 2019] and it was nothing short of edifying and encouraging. His passion and faithfulness to gospel ministry was evident in the very classrooms I got to sit in. I can see that in his heart was the desire for everyone he taught to come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. I commend this brother!
Samuel Lee, Associate Pastor
Korean Central Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Centreville, VA
For Prayer and Monthly Financial Support

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If you would like to receive a prayer postcard to mail directly to MTW, you may email Anthony directly at aodtohan@gmail.com and we will airmail the postcard to your address!
For US residents, every donation through MTW is tax deductible since it is registered as a 501(c)(3) religious charity. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt which can be used for itemized deductions in your tax returns.